World Resorts Kazakhstan Lisakovsk

Lisakovsk Monthly Weather Averages

Please click on any column to get detailed information about Lisakovsk weather in that particular month. You will get daily weather information for that month for the last several years.

Day & Night air temperature, °F

The warmest month in Lisakovsk is july. The average daily temp is 78.8°F. The average nightly temp is 65.7°F.

Precipitation total, in.

March is the month with least precipitations during the year. The average precipitation totals for this month is 0.2 in. The month with most precipitation total is July.

Number of rainy days

This chart shows averages for the last three years. It shows medium and heavy rains only, it doesn't show light rains.

Wind speed, mph
Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days
Average sunny hours

Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.

* Charts above show average data for the last 3 years.

Best time for vacation in Lisakovsk

Sunniest months:
May 17 days
August 16 days
July 15 days
Warmest months:
July 78.8 °F
August 76.6 °F
June 72.9 °F
Coldest months:
January 10.8 °F
December 13.2 °F
February 15.4 °F
Rainiest months:
June 1 day
August 1 day
July 1 day
Windiest months:
November 9.9 mph
October 9.9 mph
April 9.8 mph

Lisakovsk on a weather map