Weather in Rudny in Winter
December | January | February | ||||
Average day temperature: | ||||||
Average day temperature: | 12.5°F | 9.8°F | 14.6°F | |||
Average night temperature: | ||||||
Average night temperature: | 9.5°F | 5.8°F | 8.9°F | |||
Number of sunny days: | ||||||
Number of sunny days: | 7 days | 6 days | 3 days | |||
Day length: | ||||||
Day length: | 7.6 - 8.0 h. | 7.7 - 8.9 h. | 9.0 - 10.8 h. | |||
Number of rainy days: | ||||||
Number of rainy days: | 0 days | 0 days | 0 days | |||
Precipitation totals: | ||||||
Precipitation totals: | 0.3 in. | 0.4 in. | 0.4 in. |
Day & Night air temperature, °F
Precipitation total, in.
Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days
Wind speed, mph
Average sunny hours
Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.