World Resorts Norway

Norway weather reviews

Norway > Oslo ( February 2023 )

Norway is another country that can surprise you with its architecture and natural beauty. Personally, I was there last year in February. I only stayed for a week, but this year I plan to visit again this year, but this time in the warm season. It's quite cold in Oslo in February. At night the temperature can drop to -11°C, and during the day it rises only to +5°C. The water temperature is quite low, although above zero. You probably won't be able to buy. There are also not many sunny days, which is a little disappointing. But the average daylight hours are 9 hours. There is almost no rain and no snow.

Norway > Oslo ( January 2024 )

I recently had a chance to visit Norway, Oslo, or as the Norwegians themselves say - Ushlu. Winter in Norway, with the exception of the Arctic, is quite mild, due to the warm current - the Gulf Stream, even in the more northern Bergen in February the temperature is usually above zero and it often rains. In Oslo during the day it is about minus two to three degrees Celsius, at night it is a little colder, but not critical. Another thing is in the mountainous regions of the country - where tourists mainly go in winter - there are a huge number of ski resorts and views of indescribable beauty. The famous Norwegian fjords mostly do not freeze in winter, so you can go on a boat excursion. Despite the rather mild climate, do not forget that Norway is a northern and maritime country, and it is February - you need to dress accordingly. It is best to wear multi-layer clothing made from modern materials that are breathable and at the same time water- and wind-resistant. In general, I really liked it, there are a lot of impressions and now, in order to consolidate them and understand this Scandinian country and its capital - Oslo, from all sides, I plan to visit them in the summer.

Places in Norway:
Units of measurement: °C / °F