World Resorts Russia Yakutsk Weather

Yakutsk weather in February

Weather in Yakutsk: February

Average day temperature: -18.2°F
Average night temperature: -27.8°F
Number of sunny days: 0 days
Day length: 7.6 - 10.2 hours
Number of rainy days: 0 days
Precipitation totals: 0.3 in.

Air temperature in February, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during February of 2024 was -10°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was -36°F. Day and night temperature averages during February were -29.2°F and -24.5°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Almost all days of February in Yakutsk are cloudy. Sunny or partly cloudy days are rare.

Precipitation total in February, in.

Precipitation total value in Yakutsk in February is 0.3 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in February, mph

The average wind speed value in February is 3.8 mph It makes February one of the least windy months of the year.

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in February is: 0.5.

Yakutsk weather reviews

Nika, February 2024
I returned from my shift in Yakutsk and I hasten to share my impressions. If you are not at all frost-resistant, sickly and frail, this city is not for you in winter. And the winter here is fierce. I was leaving, the other day it was -31 at night. During the day it is 3-5 degrees warmer. There were few sunny days throughout the month. More often than not, the sun would sometimes peek out and quickly hide among the clouds. One joy is that there is almost no wind. But in such frost this doesn’t help...
Nina, February 2023
If you want to understand what real winter is like, I recommend visiting Yakutsk in February. I ended up here on work matters and the business trip lasted almost two weeks. The average temperature during the day remained at thirty degrees with a minus sign. At night the temperature dropped to minus forty degrees. It was cloudy almost all the time, sunny days were a rarity. There were strong snowstorms several times.

Best time for vacation in Yakutsk

Sunniest months:
July 17 days
June 17 days
August 14 days
Warmest months:
July 76.9 °F
June 72.3 °F
August 69.0 °F
Coldest months:
January -30.4 °F
December -29.0 °F
February -18.2 °F
Rainiest months:
August 3 days
September 3 days
June 2 days
Windiest months:
May 7.4 mph
September 6.8 mph
June 6.6 mph

Yakutsk on a weather map

NW 0 mph
Feels like: -24°F
Precip.: 0%
Places in Russia:
24 Hours Forecast
Local time: 17:28
December 22, sunday
0 mph
2 mph
December 23, monday
2 mph
2 mph
3 mph
3 mph
2 mph
3 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F