World Resorts Egypt Hurghada Weather

Hurghada weather in February

Weather in Hurghada: February

Average day temperature: 71.3°F
Average night temperature: 61.3°F
Sea water temperature: 72.1°F
Number of sunny days: 26 days
Day length: 10.9 - 11.6 hours
Number of rainy days: 0 days
Precipitation totals: 0.0 in.

Air temperature in February, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during February of 2024 was 75°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was 52°F. Day and night temperature averages during February were 70.1°F and 59.7°F.

Sea water temperature in Hurghada in February, °F

Show year:

The average sea water temperature in February of 2024 was 71.9°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 73.0°F and 71.2°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Mostly all days in February are sunny but cloudy days are also possible.

Precipitation total in February, in.

Precipitation total value in Hurghada in February is 0.1 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in February, mph

The average wind speed value in February is 13.7 mph It makes February one of the least windy months of the year.

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in February is: 10.3.

Hurghada weather reviews

Nata, February 2023
The main advantage of Hurghada in February is the low cost of tours and the relatively small number of tourists. Swimming enthusiasts will be disappointed: the water seems to be 20 degrees, but on land it is often windy and not too hot. This makes it cold to get out of the water. Only the most seasoned swim. I also took a dip, but a couple of times and when there was no wind. It was chilly in the evenings, you even had to wear a sweater. But we had a lot of fun with our girlfriends in cafes and shopping centers.
Maria, February 2023
My family and I went to Egypt in February. Sunrise Beach Hotel. Oh, we really liked it, we had a great rest. It’s cool that they have their own beach, it was convenient and the entrance to the water is good, sandy, smooth. As for the weather, it was very comfortable. +21 +23 on average during the day. It was both sunny and cloudy in places. But everything is great. The sea water was about 20 degrees. We swam. The weather is suitable for excursions, and they are worth it. The impressions cannot be conveyed.
Marina, February 2024
We just arrived from Khurkhada and were on vacation from February 3 to 16. In the first days the temperature was 23°C, then gradually increased to 26°C. The evenings were cool and a windbreaker was needed. The sea is 22°C, we sometimes swam, but due to the strong wind it was cold to go out. We had a heated pool at our hotel, it was very pleasant to swim, and the wind was not so noticeable. The weather is suitable for excursions, there is no heat and you perceive everything better.

Best time for vacation in Hurghada

Sunniest months:
July 31 days
August 31 days
October 31 days
Warmest months:
August 96.9 °F
July 96.2 °F
June 94.1 °F
Warmest sea temp:
August 84.3 °F
July 82.9 °F
September 82.5 °F
Coldest months:
January 69.0 °F
February 71.3 °F
December 72.3 °F
Rainiest months:
September 0 days
February 0 days
May 0 days
Windiest months:
June 14.7 mph
September 14.7 mph
August 14.4 mph

Hurghada on a weather map

SE 21 mph
Feels like: +64°F
Precip.: 0%
Places in Egypt:
24 Hours Forecast
Local time: 21:34
February 01, saturday
22 mph
22 mph
17 mph
21 mph
17 mph
17 mph
11 mph
12 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F