World Resorts Spain Tenerife Weather

Tenerife weather in May

Weather in Tenerife: May

Average day temperature: 68.1°F
Average night temperature: 59.4°F
Sea water temperature: 68.7°F
Number of sunny days: 21 days
Day length: 13.2 - 13.8 hours
Number of rainy days: 0 days
Precipitation totals: 0.4 in.

Air temperature in May, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during May of 2024 was 76°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was 51°F. Day and night temperature averages during May were 66.8°F and 57.2°F.

Sea water temperature in Tenerife in May, °F

Show year:

The average sea water temperature in May of 2024 was 69.6°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 70.3°F and 68.7°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Mostly all days in May are sunny but cloudy days are also possible.

Precipitation total in May, in.

Precipitation total value in Tenerife in May is 0.5 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in May, mph

The average wind speed value in May is 7.8 mph

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in May is: 11.2.

Tenerife weather reviews

Veronica, May 2023
Together with my colleagues and friends we went on vacation to Tenerife. This is, of course, not the right season for a beach holiday, because the water was still cool. But overall, we were very pleased with the trip. We didn’t want to stay in the hotel; we went on excursions and walked a lot. We went on beach picnics several times. The temperature was spring and quite warm. The entire week of vacation was cloudless, without rain or cold wind, and the sun was quite warm. But in the evening, of course, it became cool. Overall, not bad, it was a vacation.
Basil, May 2023
Last year I had a vacation in May and I decided to fly to the Canary Islands, or rather Tenerife. This island captivated me with its beautiful landscapes. The weather was great, warm during the day, but not hot, cooler in the evening. It was possible to swim in the ocean, but not for long, since the water does not warm up much at this time. There is practically no rain here. A very beautiful place to relax. I highly recommend it to everyone.
Alexandra, May 2023
Good afternoon, I'm here to tell you about my trip to Tenerife. I went in May, on a last-minute tour. I was told that it would be cool there and there was no hope of even going into the ocean. But to my surprise, it was very warm there +22 +25. It was very comfortable. There were sunny moments mixed with mostly cloudy days. But the magnificent landscapes corrected the whole situation. And I also went swimming, the water was about +19. It was invigorating and I liked it. The hotel had everything you needed. Nothing to complain about. Of course you need to go there for the views of nature. Unforgettably

Best time for vacation in Tenerife

Sunniest months:
July 29 days
August 26 days
June 22 days
Warmest months:
August 78.9 °F
July 78.1 °F
September 74.8 °F
Warmest sea temp:
September 75.0 °F
October 74.7 °F
August 73.6 °F
Coldest months:
February 60.9 °F
January 61.8 °F
March 62.7 °F
Rainiest months:
November 3 days
October 3 days
August 2 days
Windiest months:
July 11.1 mph
August 11.0 mph
February 10.3 mph

Tenerife on a weather map

S 16 mph
Feels like: +48°F
Precip.: 82%
Places in Spain:
24 Hours Forecast
Local time: 14:08
December 21, saturday
16 mph
16 mph
14 mph
December 22, sunday
14 mph
13 mph
12 mph
11 mph
16 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F