World Resorts Colombia

Winter weather in Colombia

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Best place for vacation in Colombia in Winter

Table below will help you to find the best place for your vacation in Colombia in Winter. Find the place with less rains and more sun. We also provide information about sea water temperature for marine resort.

Place name Weather in December
day / night temperature
Weather in January
day / night temperature
Weather in February
day / night temperature
Arboletes 82.9°F 76.0°F 83.2°F 76.4°F 83.6°F 77.2°F
Armenia 70.1°F 58.6°F 72.3°F 58.6°F 73.0°F 59.1°F
Barranquilla 86.7°F 76.9°F 87.3°F 76.5°F 88.1°F 76.9°F
Bello 70.9°F 56.9°F 73.3°F 57.7°F 74.2°F 59.2°F
Bogota 63.2°F 47.9°F 65.8°F 48.1°F 66.0°F 49.6°F
Bucaramanga 72.4°F 57.3°F 74.6°F 58.8°F 75.9°F 60.8°F
Buenaventura 80.6°F 73.0°F 81.5°F 73.0°F 82.4°F 73.9°F
Cabo de La Vela 85.2°F 75.9°F 87.2°F 75.3°F 87.3°F 75.4°F
Cali 78.6°F 64.8°F 79.3°F 64.3°F 80.0°F 64.9°F
Capurgana 81.9°F 75.9°F 82.0°F 76.1°F 82.2°F 76.9°F
Cartagena 84.9°F 75.8°F 85.9°F 75.7°F 87.9°F 76.9°F
Cienaga 86.4°F 76.9°F 87.0°F 76.6°F 88.0°F 76.8°F
Cucuta 86.8°F 68.5°F 88.0°F 67.2°F 86.9°F 68.0°F
Dosquebradas 71.6°F 57.3°F 72.0°F 56.7°F 72.9°F 57.8°F
Envigado 73.7°F 55.8°F 74.7°F 55.2°F 75.1°F 56.4°F
Floridablanca 73.7°F 60.5°F 75.3°F 60.2°F 76.5°F 61.9°F
Guatape 67.9°F 54.7°F 68.9°F 54.2°F 68.7°F 55.2°F
Ibague 68.7°F 61.4°F 71.0°F 62.2°F 72.4°F 63.9°F
Ipiales 51.4°F 48.4°F 54.1°F 47.6°F 54.0°F 48.7°F
Itagui 74.4°F 56.0°F 75.4°F 56.0°F 75.8°F 57.0°F
Kali 75.0°F 62.4°F 81.0°F 61.8°F 81.7°F 62.1°F
Leticia 84.6°F 72.5°F 84.0°F 71.9°F 82.8°F 72.0°F
Manizales 66.0°F 53.0°F 67.7°F 52.9°F 67.7°F 54.1°F
Medellin 69.9°F 54.9°F 71.2°F 54.0°F 71.2°F 55.2°F
Monteria 86.1°F 73.8°F 88.2°F 74.5°F 91.2°F 76.0°F
Neiva 84.2°F 70.6°F 86.4°F 72.0°F 88.4°F 73.6°F
Nuqui 81.3°F 73.3°F 81.6°F 73.3°F 82.1°F 73.8°F
Palmira 77.2°F 61.6°F 77.7°F 60.1°F 78.5°F 61.8°F
Palomino 83.5°F 76.7°F 84.3°F 76.3°F 84.3°F 76.4°F
Pereira 69.0°F 57.1°F 71.0°F 57.0°F 72.0°F 57.9°F
Popayan 67.3°F 54.0°F 69.2°F 52.7°F 69.3°F 53.9°F
Providencia 81.6°F 81.1°F 80.7°F 80.1°F 80.0°F 79.5°F
Puerto Colombia 86.7°F 76.9°F 87.3°F 76.5°F 88.1°F 76.9°F
Puerto Limon 85.4°F 75.5°F 87.5°F 76.1°F 89.9°F 77.1°F
Quibdo 82.1°F 72.2°F 83.0°F 72.2°F 83.9°F 72.7°F
Riohacha 85.3°F 75.1°F 86.8°F 74.8°F 86.7°F 74.8°F
San Agustin 69.5°F 53.7°F 70.3°F 54.4°F 70.8°F 54.9°F
San Andres 81.6°F 81.1°F 80.7°F 80.1°F 80.0°F 79.5°F
San Juan de Pasto 57.9°F 47.6°F 59.5°F 47.3°F 58.8°F 47.9°F
San Luis 81.6°F 81.1°F 80.7°F 80.1°F 80.0°F 79.5°F
Santa Cruz de Mompox 88.4°F 74.7°F 91.5°F 74.9°F 95.0°F 76.5°F
Santa Marta 86.0°F 76.2°F 86.4°F 75.4°F 87.2°F 75.6°F
Sincelejo 85.3°F 73.3°F 87.7°F 73.7°F 90.9°F 75.4°F
Soacha 62.9°F 51.2°F 64.0°F 50.9°F 64.5°F 52.7°F
Soledad 87.2°F 76.6°F 88.1°F 76.1°F 88.7°F 76.7°F
Tulua 76.5°F 61.7°F 77.7°F 61.4°F 78.1°F 62.5°F
Tumaco 80.2°F 75.4°F 80.5°F 75.2°F 81.1°F 75.6°F
Turbaco 86.6°F 74.8°F 89.1°F 74.5°F 90.7°F 75.5°F
Valledupar 91.4°F 71.0°F 95.0°F 72.2°F 97.0°F 74.4°F
Villavicencio 80.9°F 65.5°F 85.8°F 67.1°F 86.2°F 68.7°F
Villavieja 83.0°F 70.2°F 84.2°F 70.9°F 86.2°F 72.6°F
* Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.
Places in Colombia:
Units of measurement: °C / °F