World Resorts UAE Dubai Weather

Dubai weather in April

Weather in Dubai: April

Average day temperature: 87.9°F
Average night temperature: 79.3°F
Sea water temperature: 77.9°F
Number of sunny days: 27 days
Day length: 12.4 - 13.1 hours
Number of rainy days: 0 days
Precipitation totals: 0.2 in.

Air temperature in April, °F

Show year:

The highest day temperature during April of 2024 was 88°F. At the same time the lowest night temperature was 72°F. Day and night temperature averages during April were 81.3°F and 77.3°F.

Sea water temperature in Dubai in April, °F

Show year:

The average sea water temperature in April of 2024 was 77.4°F. The highest and lowest sea temperatures during the month were 79.7°F and 74.5°F.

Sunny, partly cloudy and cloudy days

Mostly all days in April are sunny but cloudy days are also possible.

Precipitation total in April, in.

Precipitation total value in Dubai in April is 0.2 in. Other months of the year show relatively similar values.

Wind speed in April, mph

The average wind speed value in April is 9.9 mph It makes April one of the most windy months of the year.

Average sunny hours

This chart shows average number of hours during the day when sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day. The average number of sunny hours in April is: 11.6.

Dubai weather reviews

Sayada, April 2023
This time I decided to fly to Dubai in April. The weather in April is +30-32, as it turned out this is comfortable weather for relaxation. During the week of vacation it rained a couple of times, and after the rain the weather was simply gorgeous, we walked around the center of Dubai. When I went on vacation in September the weather was +33-36, unbearably hot, we only went outside in the evening. So I advise you to go in spring or winter. If you want an unforgettable experience, I advise you to visit Safari, in the morning we drove along the slopes by car, the adrenaline was jumping, words cannot describe it, and in the evening we went to dinner in a wonderful atmosphere. And all this cost us only $100 per person.
Vlada, April 2023
The country is fabulous, EVERYONE needs to visit it at least once! The only downside is the weather. I naively chose mid-spring for my trip, hoping that it wouldn’t be too hot there. Not so! It's very, very hot here, really like in the desert. In fact, I found out that the Emirates is in the top of the hottest countries in the world. Even at the beginning of the month here in the sun it was already +30 and above. And the further you go, the hotter it gets. There is no talk of any rain. The heat is hard to bear. Even when the thermometer shows “only” +28, it seems that everything is +35.
Vlada, April 2023
I really enjoyed the April weather here. Once I went to the Emirates in August, when even in the shade it was so hot, I almost went crazy. In April, for Europeans unaccustomed to such temperatures, this is where it’s at. On average, +29-32 °C. Sophisticated tourists, as it turns out, come here at this time: March-April, and then December. It’s great to walk at night: +20 approximately, comfortable)

Best time for vacation in Dubai

Sunniest months:
October 31 days
July 30 days
August 30 days
Warmest months:
August 102.7 °F
July 102.4 °F
June 100.4 °F
Warmest sea temp:
August 92.4 °F
July 92.1 °F
September 91.4 °F
Coldest months:
January 74.1 °F
February 75.9 °F
December 78.1 °F
Rainiest months:
March 1 day
January 1 day
February 0 days
Windiest months:
May 10.7 mph
March 10.4 mph
February 10.1 mph

Dubai on a weather map

E 6 mph
Feels like: +66°F
Precip.: 0%
Places in UAE:
24 Hours Forecast
Local time: 21:30
February 11, tuesday
6 mph
5 mph
2 mph
2 mph
7 mph
9 mph
9 mph
9 mph
Units of measurement: °C / °F