World Resorts Bulgaria Weather

Weather in Bulgaria in October

Bulgaria in October on a weather map
Sea water temperature
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Best place for vacation in Bulgaria in October

Table below will help you to find the best place for your vacation in Bulgaria in October. Find the place with less rains and more sun. We also provide information about sea water temperature for marine resort.

Place name Air temp
day / night
Cloudiness Rainy days (precipitation) Sea
Sunny hours
 Ahtopol 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.1% - 66.6°F 9 h. 17 min.
 Albena 68.3°F 58.1°F 22.7% - 65.3°F 9 h. 31 min.
 Balchik 68.3°F 58.1°F 22.9% - 65.5°F 9 h. 29 min.
 Bansko 58.4°F 38.8°F 23.2% - - 9 h. 30 min.
 Borovec 59.5°F 45.7°F 21.9% - - 9 h. 38 min.
 Burgas 70.2°F 56.9°F 21.9% - 65.8°F 9 h. 38 min.
 Byala 69.0°F 57.4°F 21.4% - 65.7°F 9 h. 40 min.
 Chernomorets 70.2°F 56.9°F 22.1% - 66.2°F 9 h. 36 min.
 Duni 70.2°F 56.9°F 21.7% - 66.4°F 9 h. 39 min.
 Elenite 69.0°F 57.4°F 21.6% - 66.2°F 9 h. 39 min.
 Golden Sands 68.3°F 58.1°F 22.8% - 65.5°F 9 h. 30 min.
 Hisarya 66.7°F 48.1°F 21.5% - - 9 h. 40 min.
 Kavarna 66.2°F 61.2°F 22.6% - 65.5°F 9 h. 31 min.
 Kiten 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.0% - 66.4°F 9 h. 17 min.
 Kranevo 68.3°F 58.1°F 22.7% - 65.3°F 9 h. 31 min.
 Kraymorie 70.1°F 56.9°F 22.0% - 65.8°F 9 h. 36 min.
 Lovenets 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.0% - 66.4°F 9 h. 17 min.
 Nesebr 68.4°F 57.0°F 20.7% - 66.0°F 9 h. 45 min.
 Obzor 69.0°F 57.4°F 21.6% - 65.8°F 9 h. 39 min.
 Pamporovo 61.9°F 46.0°F 22.4% - - 9 h. 35 min.
 Plovdiv 72.6°F 49.3°F 21.2% - - 9 h. 43 min.
 Pomorie 68.8°F 56.5°F 20.8% - 66.2°F 9 h. 45 min.
 Primorsko 69.1°F 57.0°F 24.9% - 66.4°F 9 h. 18 min.
 Ravda 68.4°F 57.0°F 20.3% - 66.2°F 9 h. 48 min.
 Rezovo 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.4% - 66.7°F 9 h. 14 min.
 Sandanski 70.9°F 49.8°F 19.8% - - 9 h. 53 min.
 Sarafovo 70.2°F 56.9°F 22.1% - 66.0°F 9 h. 36 min.
 Shkorpilovtsi 69.6°F 55.7°F 22.0% - 65.5°F 9 h. 36 min.
 Sinemorets 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.5% - 66.6°F 9 h. 14 min.
 Sofia 67.9°F 47.9°F 21.1% - - 9 h. 42 min.
 Sozopol 70.2°F 56.9°F 21.8% - 66.4°F 9 h. 38 min.
 St Constantine and Helena 68.3°F 58.1°F 22.9% - 65.5°F 9 h. 29 min.
 Sunny Beach 69.7°F 56.0°F 20.7% - 66.0°F 9 h. 45 min.
 Sveti Vlas 69.0°F 57.4°F 21.5% - 66.2°F 9 h. 40 min.
 Tsarevo 69.1°F 57.0°F 25.2% - 66.4°F 9 h. 16 min.
 Varna 69.5°F 55.7°F 22.2% - 65.7°F 9 h. 34 min.
 Veliko Tarnovo 70.0°F 51.9°F 22.1% - - 9 h. 35 min.
 Velingrad 72.9°F 52.5°F 21.3% - - 9 h. 42 min.
* Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.
Places in Bulgaria:
Units of measurement: °C / °F