World Resorts Sea of Azov

Sea of Azov Weather in July

Sea water temperature
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Best place for vacation in Sea of Azov in July

Table below will help you to find the best place for your vacation in Sea of Azov in July. Find the place with more sun and less rain. We also provide information about sea water temperature for marine resort.

Place name Air temp
day / night
Cloudiness Rainy days (precipitation) Sea
Sunny hours
 Achuevo 83.5°F 71.2°F 27.2% 5 days (2.5 in.) 78.3°F 12 h. 10 min.
 Belosarayskaya Kosa 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.6% - 77.4°F 13 h. 6 min.
 Berdyansk 82.7°F 70.3°F 21.1% - 77.4°F 13 h. 10 min.
 Dolzhanskaya 79.0°F 73.7°F 28.3% 4 days (1.9 in.) 77.9°F 12 h. 3 min.
 Dzhankoy 88.2°F 69.8°F 19.9% - 78.4°F 13 h. 15 min.
 Genichesk 82.5°F 71.7°F 19.4% - 78.3°F 13 h. 22 min.
 Golubickaya 83.0°F 70.7°F 24.5% 2 days (1.2 in.) 78.4°F 12 h. 29 min.
 Heniches'ka Hirka 82.5°F 71.7°F 19.5% - 78.3°F 13 h. 21 min.
 Henicheska Hirka 85.4°F 68.5°F 21.3% 1 day (0.4 in.) 78.3°F 13 h. 4 min.
 Ilich 80.3°F 74.0°F 21.6% - 78.4°F 12 h. 57 min.
 Kamyshevatskaya 79.0°F 73.7°F 28.5% 4 days (1.9 in.) 78.1°F 12 h. 1 min.
 Kazantip 81.4°F 74.1°F 18.6% - 78.3°F 13 h. 24 min.
 Kerch 81.4°F 74.1°F 18.4% - 77.5°F 13 h. 26 min.
 Kirillovka 83.5°F 70.9°F 19.9% - 77.9°F 13 h. 19 min.
 Kuchugury 82.8°F 72.0°F 21.6% - 78.4°F 12 h. 56 min.
 Lunacharsk 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.1% - 77.4°F 13 h. 10 min.
 Margaritovo 84.7°F 69.4°F 29.2% 3 days (1.9 in.) 78.1°F 11 h. 58 min.
 Mariupol 83.0°F 68.7°F 25.8% - 77.2°F 12 h. 29 min.
 Melekino 80.9°F 72.0°F 27.0% 2 days (1.2 in.) 77.4°F 12 h. 15 min.
 Mysovoe 81.3°F 74.1°F 18.4% - 78.3°F 13 h. 26 min.
 Novoazovsk 84.2°F 69.0°F 24.2% 1 day (0.5 in.) 77.5°F 12 h. 44 min.
 Novokonstantinovka 84.7°F 70.1°F 21.2% - 77.5°F 13 h. 8 min.
 Novopetrovka 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.1% - 77.4°F 13 h. 10 min.
 Peresyp 82.8°F 72.0°F 21.6% - 78.4°F 12 h. 56 min.
 Primorsk 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.1% - 77.5°F 13 h. 10 min.
 Primorsko-Ahtarsk 83.5°F 71.2°F 27.1% 5 days (2.3 in.) 78.4°F 12 h. 10 min.
 Schastlivcevo 78.8°F 73.9°F 18.7% - 78.4°F 13 h. 26 min.
 Schelkino 81.3°F 74.1°F 18.5% - 78.3°F 13 h. 26 min.
 Sennoy 82.8°F 72.0°F 21.6% - 78.4°F 12 h. 56 min.
 Shilovka 83.5°F 71.2°F 27.1% 5 days (2.3 in.) 78.1°F 12 h. 10 min.
 Sjedove 84.1°F 69.8°F 28.2% 3 days (1.6 in.) 77.5°F 12 h. 6 min.
 Strelkovoe 78.8°F 73.9°F 19.1% - 78.6°F 13 h. 23 min.
 Taganrog 84.9°F 69.6°F 27.8% 2 days (0.9 in.) 77.9°F 12 h. 10 min.
 Taman 81.4°F 74.1°F 18.2% - 78.1°F 13 h. 28 min.
 Temruk 84.0°F 69.8°F 23.4% 1 day (1.2 in.) 78.4°F 12 h. 40 min.
 Urzuf 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.2% - 77.2°F 13 h. 9 min.
 Yeisk 82.1°F 72.2°F 27.0% 4 days (1.9 in.) 78.1°F 12 h. 15 min.
 Yurevka 82.6°F 70.3°F 21.6% - 77.2°F 13 h. 6 min.
 Yurkino 81.5°F 74.1°F 19.0% - 78.1°F 13 h. 21 min.
 Za Rodinu 82.8°F 72.0°F 21.6% - 78.4°F 12 h. 57 min.
** Sunny hours are calculated based on the average daily number of hours while sunlight can reach the ground. It depends on day length and cloudiness during the day.
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Units of measurement: °C / °F